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Social Activities

One of the by-products of amateur drama is the opportunity for like-minded people to socialise together and members of this Society have enjoyed numerous social activities. Invariably after the final curtain on the last night of a production all the members of the cast, along with all the helpers, have gathered together for a party, usually continuing well into the early hours of the next day, thereby relieving the tension of the previous few days.

In addition there has always been an annual get together at some restaurant or other suitable venue - a dinner or buffet meal accompanied by some form of entertainment. A special effort was made when the Society celebrated its Golden Jubilee with a dinner and dance at the Royal Hotel in Port Erin, an occasion when a cheque for one thousand pounds was donated to the Erin Arts Centre (a registered charity).

There have been car treasure hunts and organised visits to the Gaiety Theatre. Many of the Society's playreadings have been regarded as a means of keeping members together socially rather than as a preliminary to a stage production. Nor must one overlook the light hearted camaraderie which can be enjoyed at rehearsals or when building or striking a set.

The following pages are taken from Stan Woolock's History of Rushen Amateur Dramatic Society's written in 2001 and with some updates to reflect changes from 2001 to 2013
In the BeginningPlays PresentedTrouble Ahead
Incidents to RememberSocial Activities
Financial AspectsManx Amateur Drama Federation (MADF)Drama WorkshopsPresidents of  the SocietyVenues
Looking to the Future


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