Masks  Rushen Players Masks

History    Committee    Constitution 



1.     NAME.  The Society shall be called Rushen Players.

2. OBJECTS.  The objects of the Society shall be:

a)                            to encourage and develop dramatic art;

b)                            to stimulate local interest in the living theatre;

c)                             to accumulate a fund for the purpose of improving the society’s production facilities;

d)                            to raise funds for charities and deserving causes.

3. MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION. The subscription for members for the ensuing year shall be an amount agreed at the Annual General Meeting. Any member whose subscription remains unpaid at the Annual General Meeting shall cease to be regarded as a member.

4. NEW MEMBERS. Admission of new members shall be approved by the committee. Application for membership shall be in a form prescribed by the committee. On joining the Society, every person shall receive a copy of the Rules & Constitution of the Society.

5. COMMITTEE. The management of the Society shall be vested in a Committee, to be elected annually. It shall consist of four officers (namely, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) and up to six other members. None of the Officers or members should serve more than three years consecutively unless approved by 75% of members present and voting by ballot and or by proxy. A quorum shall consist of four members, two of which must be Officers. The committee’s main purpose/objective is to manage the affairs of the Society focused on selecting and producing Drama and shall have the power to:

e)                             appoint sub-committees.

f)                              appoint Director/Producers, Stage Managers and others as and when required.

g)                            fill any vacancies which may arise.

 6. ELECTION OF COMMITTEE. The Officers and members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Voting should be by ballot. Proxy votes are acceptable and each successful Officer/Committee member requires a majority of the voting members to be in favour. All proxy voting papers should be received and verified before the start of meeting.

Those members appointed as Officers and Committee members have the authority to appoint and fill any vacant Officer/Committee member positions after the completion of the Annual General Meeting.

7. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Annual General Meeting is normally, to be held not later than September 30th each year. Fourteen days written notice of such meeting is to be given to each member. The agenda shall include:

h)                            adoption of the minutes of the last annual general meeting;

i)                               Chairman’s, Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports and the adoption of the annual accounts;

j)                              election of Officers and members of the Committee;

k)                            appointment of the Honorary Auditor.

8. HONORARY PRESIDENT AND HONORARY VICE PRESIDENTS. On the recommendation of the Committee the Society may appoint an Honorary President and a reasonable number of Honorary Vice Presidents. Such appointments shall be in recognition of outstanding service to or a close interest in the Society.

9. EXRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. Extraordinary  General Meetings may be convened at the request of the Committee or by a written demand to the Secretary signed by not less than ten members of the Society. Notice of such meetings must be sent to all members fourteen days prior to the date of the meeting. The business is to be clearly stated and no other business is to be discussed.

10. ORDINARY/SUB COMMITTEE MEETINGS. The Committee may convene ad-hoc meetings to discuss forthcoming productions and conduct routine business and is responsible for selecting plays, casting productions and allotting various duties connected with the productions and other activities of the Society.

11. EXTRAORDINARY BUSINESS. STRUCTURAL AND STRATEGIC MATTERS. All major structural and strategic amendments or changes to the traditional and fundamental operation of the Society must be referred to the members for approval at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for such purpose or an Annual General meeting. All proposals require the approval of 75% of members voting by ballot or by proxy.

12. AUDITED ACCOUNTS. The audited accounts of the Society shall be made up to May 31st in each year and presented at the Annual General Meeting for approval.

13. ALTERATION OF RULES. Alterations to the rules can only be made at an Annual General meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting convened expressly for this purpose and requires 75% approval of members voting by ballot or by proxy. The members shall be notified of any proposed changes in the Rules at least fourteen days prior to such meeting.

14. WINDING UP THE SOCIETY. The Society shall not be wound up except by a resolution passed at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting by 75% of members voting by ballot or by proxy. In such an event the disposal of any surplus assets must be determined by the members of the Society at this meeting.


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