The story, set in 1945, concerns the Earl's family, whose son Viscount Pym
is standing as Conservative candidate at Lister Castle. When Viscount Pym
loses the seat to the Labour candidate the household becomes at odds
with one another, after all Lister Castle had been Conservative for over
200 years.
Lord Pym decides that maybe he does not share Conservative values after
all and when Mr Cleghorn, the Labour winner resigns, Lord Pym decides
to stand as the Labour Candidate in the by-election! This infuriates
his glamorous young American fiancee, June Farrell and so she puts up
the money for their Butler to stand as Conservative candidate against
Mayhem ensures, although not for the
Earl of Lister, he has many important concerns of his own including how
to keep the rabbits off his garden!
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